Did you realise that there’s only one person who can heal you?
And it’s not me!
Watch my video to discover exactly who has the power to work healing magic in your life.
And if you know of anyone who would benefit from this video, please share it with them.
Video Transcript
The one person who can heal you
Did you know that there’s only one person who can heal you?
And it’s not me.
Hi, I’m Nikki, the Truth Fairy from ChoosingDifferently.com and I’m here to help you create a life of YOUR choosing.
Who this person is not
So let me start by telling you who the one person who can heal you is not.
It’s not your doctor.
Sure they have access to a huge range of diagnostic tools and conventional treatments and they’ll probably play a big role in your healing journey.
But they can’t heal you.
It’s not your naturopath or your homeopath.
Sure they have access to a fantastic range of healing modalities that will get your body working heaps better to heal.
But they can’t heal you.
It’s not your best friend.
Sure they’ll support you all the way and they’ll be sharing the latest article they’ve read about how to deal with your situation, and they might even lead you to some of the key pieces that you need to find in order to heal.
But they can’t heal you.
It’s not your mum.
Sure she’ll be there cheering you on every step of the way, making sure that you’re taking care of yourself no matter what.
But she can’t heal you.
It’s not that guru…
…you found on the internet promising that they have the only answer you need.
Sure they might have amazing wisdom and it will probably help you a lot.
But they still can’t heal you.
So who is this person?
So have you figured out the answer yet?
The only person who can heal you is YOU.
Nobody else.
Everyone else gets to play a role in your healing, but you’re the only one who can actually heal.
You’re the star of the show.
Only you can know what your body needs, only you can know what feels right to you, only you can know what matters most to you, and only you can know what healing looks like to you.
So stop looking to everyone else outside of you trying to find that one person who can wave their magic wand and make everything OK.
You’re the only person who has that power and it’s time that you started using it.
And I’ll be here cheering you on from the sidelines.
Your turn
If you found this video helpful I’d love it if you could share it far and wide with anyone and everyone that you think could benefit from it.
And catch my next video to continue activating your body’s natural ability to heal.
I agree, I am is the only one who can heal me! The others you mention, plus many more, can be part of our healing process. Miracle healing still does occur, but for the majority, usually healing/recovery is a process and/or journey. I read stuff, take what I want and leave the rest. I search for truth, and hope that is what I gleaned. Thank you. LB
Hi Laurie,
I really like your approach. Read all kinds of things and just take what you want and leave the rest. That’s the best way to find the healing path that works for you ♥
Hi Ruth,
You’re very welcome 🙂
I agree completely with this video. We get so caught up that we forget the main tool is ourselves
Hi Latrese,
I’m so glad my message resonates with you.
We all have so much power to control our health, and I want to remind people of that ♥